okay today kitorang ade paper BM 1&2..and the best part is final exam mcm bukan final exam..student chit chat around there..mmg seronok .hahaahah..dah name kelas 4 Dedikasi en so memang tak la kitorang nak serious..bile cikgu sruh...
well time balik niesaa on fon and kitorang (actly puteri and mia only) watching stupid videos..what kind of videos?? adoiiiii abenggg video putih putih lahh..tak men dah biru mix kuning nie :)
okay thats all tggu the next post bebeyhhhh..
tomorrow all the engineering tech students will attend TK seminars kat BTPNKL ..so,tggu gmbar gmbar esok yeaaa :DD
"senyap",jwapan yg biase dari mulut puteri la
" kesa 8 !! "adeyyhhhhh tp ade beran ckp dalam hati laa..ahahaha
well time balik niesaa on fon and kitorang (actly puteri and mia only) watching stupid videos..what kind of videos?? adoiiiii abenggg video putih putih lahh..tak men dah biru mix kuning nie :)
okay thats all tggu the next post bebeyhhhh..
tomorrow all the engineering tech students will attend TK seminars kat BTPNKL ..so,tggu gmbar gmbar esok yeaaa :DD