Dear bloggers, hi guys;p Morning. hehhh.act,hari neh mia patutnye pgie skola.but then ,im not going.
IM SORRY GUYS:'(.i just got this fcukin
MIGRAIN. well,ade exam math today.but then mlm tdie gilaa peneng and it was so pain.rse mcm nak pecah kepala neh.but i didn't tell my ibu about this.taknak die risau.:) baiknye mia.HAHAH.well,then pagi tdie i've send msg to schu and hanis saying that im not going to school today.sbb sgts dh la hari neh
MATH+MIGRAIN=GILA.NANGIS.!hehhh.not gna nntie kwnkwn mia yg kene cover.erhh,sian diorang nntie:) so that's why i've decided not to go to school today.i need a and rest,no pressure:) then i will be fine.
Insyaallah, then when mia post blog neh pon kepala still mcm gilaa je.Haihh.-_-
SEMINAR:pergi seminar dekat Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan Negeri Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur ( BTPNWPKL) :D.really had a great time with my girlfriends and boyfriends:) studying and it was AWESOME!had new an experience there.learn new new it's soo great!hehhh,as ussual .buat crazy things together,capture pictures gilaa bnyk.more than hundred i was so crazy.pose gilagila.coz we're crazy students:D what can i say right here is just I had a really really AWESOME moments with them:) ILOVEYOUGUYS so fcuking much ! hugs and kisses !:D mwahmwah !
p/s:pictures sume nntie PUTERI akan meng-upload kannye:)) hehhh.